The district needs to provide at least 12,800 additional dwellings and sufficient new employment land to meet needs for the next 20 years so building on green fields cannot be avoided.
There is also a significant shortage of affordable housing and high average house prices in the district compared to the Gloucestershire average.
Our site goes a long way in supporting Stroud District Council to tackle this shortage and the council has included the site as a proposed allocation in Stroud District Draft Local Plan. To mitigate our impact, we will:
- Work with nature
- Boost biodiversity
- Improve habitats
- Provide recreation areas
- Create a green web connecting the neighbourhoods to green spaces so that birds and other animals can safely move around.
The Government has stated that all new developments must deliver an overall increase in biodiversity. Biodiversity net gain requires developers to ensure habitats for wildlife are enhanced and left in a measurably better state than they were pre-development.